I/We, the undersigned, do hereby:
- Acknowledge, accept and agree to voluntarily bind myself/ourselves to the terms and conditions set out hereunder.
- Acknowledge that as a guest of The Last Word Hospitality (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “The Last Word”), and during my stay at The Last Word Kitara, I/we voluntarily assume the risks inherent in residing in and making use of the facilities and amenities that comprise The Last Word complex and its activities.
- Acknowledge that my/our entry to and stay at The Last Word Kitara and any other property in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve in respect of which traversing may occur, will be subject to the risks inherent in the natural elements (such as wild animals, snakes, insects, malaria, reptiles, birds, bees, rivers, cliffs, rocks, etc.) as well as weir crossings, roads, buildings in a state of construction, repair or completion, swimming pools and any other risks whatsoever.
- Acknowledge that I/we have read and understood the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve’s “Conditions of Access” and I/we do hereby agree to be bound by such conditions as if incorporated herein. In the event of any discrepancy between the aforementioned Conditions of Access, the terms of this indemnity shall prevail.
- Acknowledge that The Last Word, its officers, employees and representatives accept no liability or responsibility for whatsoever nature in regard to my stay at The Last Word, including but not limited to any activities associated therewith or any arrangements incidental thereto, including but not limited to, participating in wilderness excursion, trails and/or game drives. I/we acknowledge and voluntarily assume the risks and hazards, which exist and are present in activities of this nature.
- Confirm and warrant that my/our general health and physical condition is good and there is nothing which renders me/us unfit to undertake such wilderness excursions, trails and/or game drives, such as I/we may undertake at the Last Word Kitara.
- Accept that neither I nor any of my dependants(s) nor those whom I represent, shall have any claim (whether delictual and/or contractual) against The Last Word, its officers, employees or representatives arising in respect of, but not limited to, any injury, disability or death occurring during the said stay at The Last Word or any of the activities associated therewith or incidental thereto, or for the loss or destruction of, or damage to, any of my property.
- Indemnify The Last Word, its officers, employees, and representatives and fellow guests against any loss, liability, damage, illness, injury or death and any claims for such loss, liability, damage, illness, injury or death which may be suffered by myself and/or any dependant(s) arising directly or indirectly from my stay; or any of the activities associated therewith or incidental thereto, or use of facilities or equipment whether or not such loss, damage, illness, injury or death was a result of any act or omission on the part of The Last Word, its officers, employees or representatives or on the part of fellow guests, whether or not such act or omission is negligent; or by the way of use of defective materials or equipment or by way of any human or mechanical error, default or failure or from any other cause whatsoever, nothing at all excepted.
- Confirm and warrant that this indemnity is binding on me/us, my/our estate, executors, dependents, children or assigns and any minors for whom I/we are responsible for or for whom I/we act as legal guardian or custodian.
- Acknowledge and understand that this document has legal consequences and implications and confirm that I/we have read the document and acknowledge that I am/we are bound thereby.